Our time over the last few days has been spread between San Jose Del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas. We are either heading to the grocery store, a new “taco stand”, or the “playa” (beach) for the day. Now on Thursday our plan takes us north about 40 miles to Todos Santos and a visit with Frank and Lynn. Bonnie picked Louise and me up early in the morning so that we would have a full day to visit. There have been times in the past that told us that we should pack to stay the night, just in case we have partaken with the tequila “worm”. Pulling up to the gate we found their truck was gone but Frank was busy getting ready for a cooking class. It seems that Lynn was showing the new “students” how to find their way to the class (their home). Frank insisted that we stay, in fact he immediately started a full blown breakfast for us to make sure that we stayed long enough for Lynn to get back. It wasn’t long and we hear the two vehicles pull up and the “crowd” coming through the gate. 3 couples were to complete their class this day. Normally the class will last for a week, but this one was a favor for Lynn’s sister and as it worked out, a perfect time for us to visit. Their classes are a “Hands On Culinary Adventure In Mexican Foods”….COOKWITHUS.COM. We had been hearing so much about their school and now we would get a front row seat in watching it work. The program was already set by the “class” by putting together the menu for which they would prepare. The 3 of us tried to stay out of the way, but were always dragged back in to be a “taster-sampler” or even a go-fer to the little mini mart next door. I kind of made myself the official photographer for the day, taking enough pictures to sink a battle ship. In taking that position, I made it perfectly clear that I gave no guarantee on how any of my pictures would turn out.