15 November ‘07
We were at the Vallejo ferry parking lot an hour before our 10am departure to San Francisco. This also gives us time for picking up our day passes and have a much needed cup of coffee before hitting “The City By The Bay”. The ride across the bay from Vallejo takes just over an hour and at this time of the morning we were fortunate not to have a full ferry. Louise and I sat at one of those long bench seats with a long table between them, which has room enough for at least 6 to sit comfortably. We did have a young lady join us. I’ve found while traveling, that I enjoy listening for accents and trying to determine where their home land might have been or is today. Well Petula was from Ireland and for the hour that we were crossing the bay, I’m afraid that we dominated her “quiet time”. We thoroughly enjoyed having met her and exchanging stories and remembrances of Ireland.