18 May 2010
I’ve never even come close to the length of time in-between blogs as I’ve done this time. Sooo, were do I start…
Our journey coming out of California was partially on California Highway 1. We drove that winding, narrow, slow highway from just outside of Los Angeles to Santa Cruz. After leaving the Morro Bay area we headed up to see if we could get a tour into the Hurst Castle. Just about 5 miles south of the castle, California has another state park that we were able to get into. This worked out great as we were able to get an 8:30am tour at the castle the next morning and this would give us a quick and close run up in the morning. The afternoon prior to our tour we got our tickets and took the opportunity to see the I-Max movie of the Hurst Castle. There is no doubt this is a great story and a good piece of history for the state and the country. If he was to have tried to live the life-style today with all the women in his life and the way that he treated his family, he would have gone into seclusion I’m sure, but that was a different time and he did build quite a monument to himself that draws a huge crowd year after year. Louise