Friday Louise and I drove up to the Hamma Hamma recreation area looking for the hiking trail to upper and lower Lena Lake. We found it after turning off of 101 at mile post 318 and following it 9 miles on a roadway that was wide enough for a one lane road. Fortunately we only met 2 cars coming towards us over those 9 miles. Another one of those absolutely beautiful areas of the Olympic National Park. The morning started out overcast and stayed that way for most of our hike. The trail to the upper Lena Lake area was closed for hiking so we stopped after 1 ½ hours of climbing a great trail to return to camp and await our family. We did make an addition to our exploration… when we got back to the car we decided to take and follow the dirt road that extended further up from the trail head because we had heard that there was one heck of a great waterfall up there somewhere. Well we found it and it did live up to its reputation…it was beautiful and it was at the end of the road. What was funny about this whole thing was, not only was it at the end of a dirt road 14 miles off of Hwy 101, but we found a bridge that spanned the river and the falls below... On the far side of the bridge…a turn around area with a outhouse, yep, an outhouse 14 miles up a dirt road from 101...
About 6:30, the Chouinard family arrived to stay in the camping bungalow next door. Louise and I had stopped by the fish market and picked up some Lingcod for dinner. I was trusted to barbecue it and I must say it turned out fantastic. Tomorrow…the family picnic…