29 November ‘08
Our time at Disney was just long enough and with our reservation set for Ramona, we set sail down I-5. I must admit, it was just like sailing…that is, on the back of a snail. We really thought that the Thanksgiving Day traffic would be light, but we were sure wrong. Heck, we only had 90 miles to go and it took us over 3 hours to get there. I have to admit, if I was still driving my car instead of the motor home, my blood pressure would have been sky high. I don’t know what it is but driving the coach has made a difference. OK, we made it to Ramona Canyon RV Resort (one of our member campgrounds) and settled in. We enjoyed our last visit here and are looking forward to enjoying this one too. This afternoon we drove up to one of the many reservoirs around the area in hopes of doing a little kayaking only to find that it was closed. Yep, closed… out of water (well pretty low anyway)… and the sign said it would be closed until 2012-2014. California is really hurting for water, there is no doubt and every reservoir we saw was so low on water it wasn’t even funny. Well with no water and not a chance of kayaking today, we decided to check out a couple of hiking trails.