29 November 2011
It’s been quite a long time since I’ve taken the time to write and I really want to get back to it and this journey down the Baja is going to be the catalyst. While we were resting up in Yuma from our trip around the good-ole USA, I wrote a note in one of the many travel blogs that we would be crossing into the Baja by the first of December and if there was anyone that would want to join us in their RV we would love to have them along. Well Jack and Kathy wrote back and told us that it would fit into their schedule just fine and they had another couple that would like to come as well…Bob and Evie. We also got a call from Bonnie and Doug so we had a full sized caravan to travel the Baja with, how great was that. On the 29th we crossed the border at Tecate and headed for San Quintin about 200 miles south. Thinking that 200 miles in a day was just fine we didn’t opt for an early start and that was a bad decision. After the first 125 miles we came upon road construction that would make a Mexican truck driver cringe !!! For 6 to10 long miles through the mountains we bounced and twisted over the deep ruts and hung on while the edges came awfully close to allowing us to fall into the canyons below. It was quite a ride and for Bob and Evie it turned out to be trouble. They have a travel trailer that they pull and unfortunately they blew out one of the 4 tires and damaged the rim beyond repair.