Well we are a few days ahead of what we thought we would be coming up the Baja. This afternoon we pulled into Guerrero Negro. A few years ago Louise and I stopped here and went out on a whale watching excursion. That was the time were we encountered the “friendly whale”…what an experience. Today we are here only to have a place to camp for the night and have a dinner at their restaurant. They do serve some of the best seafood dinners you can get. Prior to dinner we all got into Phil’s car and drove out to see the salt mine and some of the evaporation ponds. We were hoping that we could get out to see the bay with the whales, but that was closed off to us. After cocktail hour at the coach with Phil and Kathy, the four of went into the dining room for dinner. After looking the menu over about a dozen times, we all decided to have the scallops…it wasn’t a mistake, they were incredible.