Things have gotten quite interesting here in Cabo San Lucas over the last few days. I had mentioned the commotion at the Sand Bar Restaurant earlier, and was wondering how it might play out…well, it’s still playing. Last Wednesday Louise and I were here at home and having a drink and conversation with Ernie and Sheila, when Ricardo came over and asked us to “rendezvous at the San Bar”. “Juancho had called and asked all of us to come down and “”sit in at the restaurant and make a presence of ourselves…DO NOT confront anybody!!!”. It was like calling out the troupes…we ALL headed off for our “assignment”. It was amazing to watch. Ernie, Sheila, Louise and I were the first to arrive and find the Sand Bar taken over by TWO LARGE TENTS and all the tables and chairs of the restaurant piled off to one small side. We grabbed a chair and sat down as we were told. We had no sooner found our chair and people were arriving to join us from all corners of beach. In just a few minutes we were joined by many dozens of “sitters”. We were told that there were some fellows that would be coming by soon and removing the tents, and then it would be our responsibility to move the tables and chairs into the original positions and SIT. Well just as we had heard, out of nowhere comes this group of Mexican fellows (Big Mexican “fellows”). As soon as they hit the ground, they had the two tents out and were on their way out of the area….BING, BAM, BING…. Well the guys that were manning the tent now were not too happy. The first thing they did was to call the police. The next was to look over the crowd and pick the ones that they thought might be the “ring leaders”… Ricardo and me…. Lots of things were said, tons of pictures were taken of the two of us (I’d like to get copies if someone has any…Please check the internet…), and it was heated. Soon the police arrived from all the different authorities. A judge was there, and an attorney for Juancho (who by the way wasn’t there), but not for us…(not that we needed one…). After about 2 to 3 hours, all the authorities gone, the tents brought up to new locations (still in front of the Sand Bar and blocking the view to the water and the arch), everyone started to depart…no arrests, no one hurt, and really not much accomplished… Juancho came by Thursday morning to say how much he appreciated all of our “help” and that apparently there will be a court hearing this next Thursday. Well we will miss all of that, as we will be continuing our tour of the Baja as we head north