Happy Birthday to you…. Louise is now .. I would tell you but, I would have to wash dishes for the rest of my life, and that just isn’t going to happen. Who would have guessed that we would be celebrating her birthday in Turkey or anywhere else but good ole Seattle when we celebrated it last year. What a change our lives have taken. You might think that we would be doing something exciting or challenging or….but no, we just pulled up stakes from Istanbul for a few days, and went back north to re-visit Edirne. Edirne is were we camped our first night in Turkey on the lot of the gas station northeast of town. We left Istanbul because we wanted a change of scenery and a fresh water shower. We must be nuts to travel backward over 200km to have a fresh water shower. As you know, Bonnie and Doug are arriving in Istanbul on Monday, and we just wanted to stay away until they arrived to save some of the “surprise of Istanbul” for us as well.
In celebrating Louise’s birthday, we washed clothes and then barbequed chicken, baked potatoes, and some very good dark beer for our celebration dinner. Oh yes, we ate by candle lite as well. Just as we were starting the barbeque, a large orange truck came into the campground. Up until then, we were the only one here. When we first saw this truck, we thought it was a water truck bringing in water for the campground. Then it did something strange for a “Water Truck”, it parked and a young couple got out and started to set up camp. As it turns out, this “Truck” is an Eastern German Officers Truck. It was all set up for the “Three Officers” to live in. Live is meant to live better than those less fortunate to be “Officers”. Now these two are travelers, Jasper and Monique Hendrick, will be on the road up to 3 years before their trip ends. They are from The Netherlands (Holland), and purchased this truck there. Some of their destinations are India, Iran, Pakistan and extensively in Turkey. In the picture of “Bumble Bee” sitting next to their camper you can see the difference in traveling conditions. Inside they have a full sized bed, full kitchen, full bath with shower, generator, lift for their motorcycle, 250 gallons of fresh water and water purification system. That is just for starters…Happy Travels