She is still camping in a tent on the beach. Also someone on the beach told us her boyfriend died of carbon monoxide poisoning in San Diego. Evidently when she tried to cast his ashes in the bay she was arrested for polluting and had to pay a big fine. A very interesting story, I'd like to talk to her and find out if any of it is true.
We had lunch up the beach at Tabascos next to Club Cascades, where Joel and I Worked years ago. We got some good exercise walking up and down the beach a couple of times. Met some interesting people, locals and tourists. On the way home from the beach we stopped off at La Picazon. Imelda and Alex the owners were both there. What really nice people. We had one of Imelda famous margaritas. They are like Mt Rainier piled high in margarita glasses. Topped with slices of lime. She serves them with shots of very smooth tequila. Wow!! You only need one but they so good....
We are really getting this bus thing down, pretty soon we won't have to walk at all, just get the right bus. We are continuing our early to bed late to rise routine. And are reading a lot, what a great time