With no plans for the day, we ended up having a full schedule... This morning we decided to take "Bumble Bee" into Antebes to see what we could find at the "Farmers Market". As we were getting ready to pull out, OB and Kris (the couple from Colorado) were just getting ready to headout themselves. I'm not sure just where they had planned to go, but they opted to ride into Antibes with us. As it was, we spent the day together. After finding a parking place we headed right for one of the internet cafe. We both had some work to accomplish there so it worked out great. After a little walk through the alleyways and doing some "window shopping", we ended up at the market. I think I was the only one who actually bought something. I'm a nut for the olive vendors and I found what I was looking for...the big green and black with a special brine...mmm-good. I did find a stall that was selling socca, which I found last time we were in Nice. Socca is that pancake made of chickpea and oilve oil. Apparently this is the only place that it is readily found in the world. It was close to the time that I had to take "Bumble Bee" in to see the mechanic, so we went looking for the parking spot we had left her in...not as easily as I had thought it might have been. I know we had come as close as 1/2 block to walking directly to her, but as it turned out, it took us at least 20 minutes in a small town to finally put the key in her lock. Luckly we still had plenty of time left. OB wanted to go with me to the mechanic. Upon arriving, the mechanic told us he could only spend 30 minutes on her and hoped that would be enough...yaaaa.... Well 30 Euros and 20 minutes and we were out of the lot and finally idling just fine. Pray for us that we have left all the problems behind now. The OB wanted to go to the grocery store, so when we got back, we all piled in and went shopping. We found some very interesting and tasty meatballs at the deli that we decided to bring back for a dinner we could enjoy together. Enjoy we did. Everything was very tasty and especially the "meatballs" (which I usually don't care for) were something I would buy again. We headed off to bed about 10 and by 10:30 we were asleep. THEN, about 3 in the morning we (the whole world !!!) were woke up by one of the biggest thunder and lighting storms any of us had ever seen...the thunder and lightning was intense and constant for at least 30 to 45 minutes without a pause....the rain was steady and at sometimes very heavy, but the thunder and lightning...WOW !!! They called it an "Orange" alert...orange hell, it was "Bright Red in my mind...
anyway, we all survived (at least here in this campground). The forcast is for more to the west of us for the next 2 days..."stay west".... I did make contact with the manager at the store I bought my computer from, and he is sending my battery out sometime today. Keep your fingers crossed that it arrives soon. Tomorrow...it depends on the battery delivery...