It’s been some more of the same for us. The weather here in Cabo is still outstanding !!! We’ve had the opportunity to wake just about every morning to the sun warming up to the highs for the day in the mid 70’s, while the evenings get into the low 60’s. We’ve taken a lot of great walks, some down the beach and others into town or the neighborhoods. Last night the campground celebrated the full moon by going to one of the beaches and having a huge bonfire cookout. We all brought out the hotdogs with buns, and all the trimmings for the best hotdogs on the beach. And then the desert menu…roasted marshmallows… Not everyone at the campground made it, but we did have over 30 there to witness the full moon rise out of the Sea of Cortez. It was like a huge ball of fire dripping flames back to the sea as it rose. This morning we headed out to fill the car with gas and do a little shopping at Costco. Then it was off to Chileno. Chileno is one of our favorite beaches for swimming and great snorkeling. Again we had a group from the campground to join in with. The water was warm and snorkeling with all the fish is a wonderful treat. We had ourselves covered with #30 sunscreen and allowed ourselves to run free all day, eating, drinking, swimming, and just having a great day. Tonight we are having a surprise birthday party for our neighbor. Unfortunately John lost his first and second wives and this is his first time on the road alone. He is turning 79 tonight and we are grabbing some of our common neighbors and having a small celebration with cake. Wish you could be here with us…