I had to look a second time….I thought today HAD to be Friday the 13th… I’ve had a hell of a day. We stayed “home” today to do a little catching up, the weather was cool (about 40+) this morning and the wind chill made it feel a lot cooler yet. The sun was out so that gave us the opportunity to choose either to do the interior chores or go outside and “diddle”. Well I’ve diddled too much already so I decided to take on a much needed job of getting the satellite and the new digital box working right. For the last 5 or 6 weeks we’ve just been watching the TV using the new digital box from our roof top antenna. The reason we were doing that, is when I hooked up the digital box I lost the ability to get our satellite to work, so I chose today to make things right. Ya right… I don’t know what this is all about or what I’ve obviously done wrong, but I am soooo confused that I’m driving myself nuts. Right now we’ve got wires and a box hanging out of a cabinet on each side of the front TV. I even had the complete TV out of its cabinet earlier and had to struggle to get it back in place. It not only was one heavy bear, it was awkward as heck. We’re making our way through the night by watching our favorite programs on Louise’s computer…well, all is not lost.