25 August ‘08
Well here we go again…Monday, another day off, and IT’S RAINING !!!! Let’s hope tomorrow will be better. We joined Larry and Pauline at “Franklin’s Hoagies” for breakfast and then headed over to the Coeur d’Alene Mall for a little “window shopping”. As we were about ready to pay the breakfast bill I found out that I had left my wallet back at the park (20+ miles away). Thank goodness Louise had hers and had enough money to handle the bill. After our stop at the mall we went over to a store that had been recommended to us for appraising a couple of Navaho rugs we had been carrying in the coach for quite some time. They gave us the appraisal and then made us an offer “we couldn’t refuse”. Well we had been carrying those two rugs from house to house and house to motor home and only once did we ever display them, so selling them now just made a lot of sense.
Today (Tuesday) we headed back to Coeur d’Alene. Our first stop was about the same as most as we get close to Starbucks, stop and have a cup of coffee… I’ve been accused of being a “coffee snob” and I guess they’re right…any excuse of finding a Starbucks will do. Then it was off to finish a couple of errands that we didn’t finish yesterday. Completing those, we drove down to the Resort, retrieved our "Nordic Walker" walking sticks out of the back of the car and got ready for a hike around Tubbs Hill. We’ve walked Tubbs Hill many times over the past 28 years but today’s hike was different. This was the first time we had used our Nautilus Walking Sticks on Tubbs Hill. We really enjoy using these walking sticks as they definitely give us a serious workout. It was so serious that we stopped by the Coeur d’Alene Brewing Company for a glass of their micro-brew.